Khóa học về Phương pháp Thí nghiệp & Giả thí nghiệm trong Nghiên cứu Kinh tế Môi trường

Ngày 18/11/2019

Khóa học do Viện Kinh tế Môi trường Đông Nam Á (EEPSEA) tổ chức nhằm cung cấp một cái nhìn tổng quan về các phương pháp thực nghiệm và giả thí nghiệm để giải quyết các vấn đề trong kinh tế tài nguyên và môi trường. Khóa đào tạo sẽ tập trung vào các ứng dụng thực tiễn và thiết kế nghiên cứu để thực hiện các thực nghiệm kinh tế.

Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Method

for Environmental Economic Topics


This course will provide an overview of quasi-experimental methods for causal inference in environmental and resource economics. Participants will learn the basics of econometric methods such as difference-in-differences, event studies, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity and matching. The training will focus on practical implementation in applied settings. In the second part, the course provides students with an overview of the experimental literature that addresses issues in environmental and natural resource economics and will prepare students to design and run their own economics experiments.

DATES:     09 – 17 December 2019
VENUE:     Vung Tau, Vietnam


This course will provide an overview of modern “quasi-experimental” and experimental methods for environmental and resource economists. The course design consists of two parts. The first part is on quasi-experimental methods in environmental economics. In contrast to experimental settings, observational data are used in most empirical studies in environmental and natural resource economics. Observational data are not generated in a controlled experimental setting, so understanding the relationships between variables requires advanced statistical tools. Applied econometricians have developed an array of methods for causal inference using observational data. These tools are particularly well-suited for analyzing the effects of policy interventions, which is often of interest to environmental economists. This part will cover a range of topics in applied econometrics, including difference-in-differences, event studies using panel data, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity design, and matching. Each topic will be introduced analytically, but the focus will be on recent implementations of these tools in environmental and resource economics.

In the second part, there will be an introduction to experimental methods, its tools, recent applications, and discussion of state-of-the-art findings and the experimental techniques employed. This part will cover topics such as common pool resources and social dilemmas, emissions trading and market experiments, issues in experimental design, relative merits of lab and field experiments, experiments on the environment and development, and behavioral economics and environmental policy.

Participants will come away with an understanding of the toolkits available to applied researchers, including when different approaches may be used, the assumptions required for validity, and examples from recent research papers.

Corbett Grainger – University of Wisconsin Madison

Corbett Grainger is an Associate Professor at University of Wisconsin – Madison. He is an environmental and resource economist, and his primary focus is on the distributional impacts and political economy issues associated with environmental and resource policies. He has worked in a variety of settings and on a variety of topics, including distributional impacts of carbon pricing and emission trading; the impacts of air pollution on housing markets and rents, labor markets, and other outcomes; efficiency and equity impacts of property rights-based management of fisheries; electricity shortages and productivity impacts; and how regulatory agencies’ decisions affect ambient air pollution measurements.

In addition to his research, he has worked with international organizations and NGOs including Asian Development Bank and the World Bank. Professor Grainger has a PhD in Economics from University of California, Santa Barbara, and degrees from University of Minnesota and Concordia College.

James Murphy – University of Alaska Anchorage

Dr. James Murphy is the Rasmuson Chair of Economics at the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA). Dr. Murphy’s research focuses on the use of experimental methods to address environmental policy and natural resource management issues. He is an active board member of the International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics, and is on the editorial board for both the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, and Strategic Behavior and the Environment. He was a member of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee from 2011-2013.



Applicants must have environmental economics and econometrics background and research experience. Applicants should be nationals of the following Southeast Asian countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Priority will be given to individuals who are in a position to carry out research projects. Applicants must hold at least a Master degree in economics and working for a research institution or university in Southeast Asia.

Application requirements

Application submissions should include the following:

  • Detailed CV;
  • A research idea (less than one page); and
  • Letter of application indicating:
    • Applicant’s experience in the conduct of environmental economics research and his/her knowledge of econometrics.
    • Where/how applicant intends to use what is learned from the course.

Send the abovementioned requirements to

Indicate “2019-EEP Training-Experimental Course” in the subject line

Grant coverage

The course participation of accepted applicants will be fully sponsored.

The EEPSEA Partnership will cover the following: round-trip travel expense to Vietnam; accommodation; and meal allowance.

Deadline of application requirements: 20 October 2019

Notification of acceptance: on or before 28 October 2019

Note: Only chosen applicants will be personally notified

The details of the call for application of this training is available at

Bài viết liên quan

The Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative is a capacity building program in environmental economics focusing on research, policy interaction, and academic programs.

028.3844.8249 0834.337732 028.3847.7948

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